<<<<<<<<<<<<< DARK FORCES ADD-ON MISSION >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<< POWER STATION ZETA >>>>>>> >>>>>>> VERSION 1.0 <<<<<<< This zipfile consists of 3 files - POWERSTA.GOB (main data file) POWERSTA.TXT (this file) Drag the POWERSTA.GOB (main data file) onto your Dark Forces main application. Although the name of the mission will be < POWER STATION ZETA >, the Mission Briefing Screen will still have the original < IMPCITY > briefing. ___________________________________________________________ Description: The Rebel High Command has learned that the DARK TROOPERS are powered by a small yet powerful energy chip. This chip is manufactured at an unknown location. However, the chips are energized at a secret facility , code named: POWER STATION ZETA. The destruction of this facility would set back the production of DARK TROOPERS and give the Rebel spy network some more time to locate the chip manufacturing plant. This seems to be the only way to slow down the destruction and terror that these new weapons of the Empire are causing. Goals: - You must find your way into the facility and plant sequence charges in the three main reactors. - Find a way out of the station and get back to the Drop Zone. Good luck ! ____________________________________________________________ Title - POWER STATION ZETA Filename - POWERSTA.GOB Author - RICK SCHMIDT Email Address - RICK1397@aol.com Mission Goals - PLANT THREE SEQUENCE CHARGES IN MAIN REACTORS - GET BACK TO YOUR SHIP Additional Credits - Yves Borckmans - DFUSE 1.0 Paul Nemesh "PNem" - TIE INTERCEPTOR Don Sielke "DSielke" - R2 DROIDS Jason Burton "Dak Janson" - *.COM file for start up Joe Schmidt "JCSchmidt" - Beta testing and advice All the guys on AOL who helped beta test it. THANKS TO EVERYONE !! And Thanks to LucasArts for a GREAT game. ___________________________________________________________________ - Play Information - Level replaced - IMPCITY Difficulty Settings - 2 ( Medium and Hard) New BMs - No New FMEs - No New WAXs - No New 3DOs - Yes New VOCs - Yes New GMDs - No New VUEs - YES - Construction - Base - New level from scratch Editor(s) used - DFUSE v 1.00 Known Bugs - None at this time. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ - Copyright / Permissions - You MAY distribute this GOB, as long as this file accompanies it. Dark Forces (c) 1994 LucasArts Entertainment Company - Where to get this GOB - WWW Sites - http://deepthought.armory.com:80/~tdalton/DarkForces/ Other - AOL (SciFi - Star Wars Libraires , PC games -3D commercial addons) _____________________________________________ Look for my first level RAVAGER OUTPOST! Keep and eye out for other levels coming in the near future! ~Rick~